The model underpinning the therapeutic environment at Woodlands is the Good Lives Model (GLM Ward & Stewart 2003) which focuses on a strengths-based approach to supporting young people. Woodlands offers the following therapeutic programmes:
Individualised assessments that include psychometric, cognitive and risk/need assessments.
Extensive Life Story work and Life Skills development in preparation for leaving. Comprehensive end of placement report to assess shift with regards to risk/vulnerability levels and psychological factors alongside highlighting work completed throughout their programmes.
Woodlands has external Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry consultation provisions.
An individualised intervention plan that includes young people engaging in weekly individual therapy sessions, group sessions and receiving 24-hour therapeutic care.
The Clinical Team also offer family/systemic therapy and family work to parents, carers, siblings and key individuals in the young people’s lives to prepare them for leaving Woodlands and to support family reintegration when possible.
Outreach post-placement support.
A multidisciplinary clinical team of inhouse salaried staff delivering therapy to the young people and providing training, support, and daily consultation to care and education staff to improve understanding of needs and guide practice. This allows a genuine therapeutic milieu to exist.
Regular rescoring of psychometrics and risk/vulnerability assessments to measure and evidence outcomes in terms of shift and change.
Our ratio of therapists to young people is possibly the best in the country and the team includes a Clinical Psychologist, Family Therapist and three Cognitive Behavioural Therapists (CBT) offering NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) Guidance approved therapies including CBT, Family Therapy and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy.
Long term therapeutic programmes.
Post-custodial sentence programmes.
Foster care and parent support/training.
"We went through everything about the past, which was difficult, but the worse it got the stronger I got, I could handle it more, and I think that’s what made me what I am or who I am today, the strength that I have came from therapy."
Young Person, 2021
Alongside this Woodlands also provides assessment and interventions to young people living in the community and training and consultation services to Youth Justice Services and Local Authorities.
To request full information about our therapy services please complete the form below and a member of the Therapy will be in touch.