KS3 & KS4
All students in years 7-9 will follow a course based on the key stage 3 programme of study. This will provide a solid foundation to progress to a suitable GCSE course. Students will begin their KS4 study in year 9 to allow sufficient time to complete the course on time. They will be entered for one of the following according to ability.
Entry Pathways – Science today
This course is designed for lower ability candidates and will be followed at either Entry 2 or 3 dependant on ability. Students complete a series of units and will be awarded credits on completion of each unit. Each unit will be worth between 1 – 4 credits. The qualification gained will be either:
Award – 8 or more credits (approx. 4 units)
Certificate – 13 or more credits (approx. 5 units)
Diploma – 37 or more credits (approx. 10 units)
This course provides links to the ASDAN course and can be supported by
evidence obtained not only form school but also from the house.
Units to be covered will be chosen from:
Working as part of a group
Working towards goals
Choices and decisions
Food and Health
Introduction to plant care
Introduction to land maintenance
Introduction to animal care
Science : Health and safety
Science and the universe
Making useful compounds
Science and the human body
Science and the plant world
The science of light and sound
Variation and adaptation
Working with electrical circuits
Energy in the home and workplace
Chemical products used in the home and their environmental impact
Renewable energy
The impact of making useful substances
Making useful compounds
How human activity affect the environment
How the body responds to change
Chemical detection
Science for a healthy body
Making electronic circuits
Controlling the growth of microorganisms.
Units covered at KS3 are as follows:
Living things
The environment
Lifestyle and health
Elements, compounds and mixtures.
States of matter
Chemical reactions
Light and sound
Each unit will involve practical sessions in order to develop their practical skills.

Applied Science single award WJEC
This is a combined science course incorporating elements of all three sciences. It can be assessed at both foundation and higher tier level.
The course involves 4 units of work and can be studied over one or two years :
Unit 1 – Science in the modern world. This is assessed by a written examination and is 40% of the qualification.
Unit 2 – Science to support our lifestyles. This is assessed by written examination and is 30% of the qualification.
Unit 3 – Task based assessment externally assessed by WJEC. 20% of the qualification.
Unit 4 – Practical assessments carried out by centres but externally marked by WJEC. 10% of the qualification.
“The WJEC GCSE Applied Science (Single Award) specification utlises a context led approach to science learning and assessment. It provides learners with a broad, coherent, practical, satisfying and worthwhile course of study. Studying the GCSE Applied Science (Single Award) provides insight into, and experience of how science works, whilst stimulating learners' curiosity and encouraging them to develop an understanding of science, its applications and its relationship to the individual and society. This GCSE is not designed to enable progression to level 3 qualifications in Science.”
Higher ability students will be able to choose to study Biology at GCSE level at higher tier or foundation tier level. This enables students to learn about how the human body works, the structures that make it work and how to keep it healthy.
The topics covered are:
Infection and Response
The pupils are given many opportunities to carry out practical investigations. There is a science lab in school which enables them to carry out investigations such as looking at how substances diffuse through a semi permeable membrane and using a microscope to observe cell structures. Students will test the effectiveness of different antiseptics on killing bacteria, as well as factors that affect the rate of transpiration in leaves. Students will develop their numeracy skills during practical work, as it involves drawing tables, taking accurate measurements, calculating means, percentage changes and constructing graphs.
Higher ability students can choose to follow the WJEC Physics GCSE course at either higher tier or foundation tier. This enables students to gain knowledge and practical experience about the underlying principles of how things work – from electrical circuits via X-ray machines to fairground rides.
The topics covered are:
Particle model of matter
Atomic structure
Magnetism and electromagnetism
Space physics
The variety and range of topics covered for example, the medical application of physics as well as household electricity and appliances allow students to sharpen their observational skills. Through practical enquiry students will gain an understanding of how physics can affect society and the environment; how hypotheses, evidence, theories and explanations work together. They will improve observational, practical, modelling, enquiry and problem-solving skills as well as skills in communication, maths and the use of technology in scientific contexts.
A-Level Biology WJEC
A level Biology is a very challenging but popular subject as it answers many questions that you may have such as how do the cells in your body make 10,000 different types of protein? How did Gregor Mendel describe laws of inheritance many years before the discovery of DNA? How does your body maintain its delicate equilibrium, homeostasis, amid its inner hive of activity?
The course is broken up over the two years, where students will study two units in their first year (AS Level). By dividing each unit up into short sections, confidence and knowledge will develop progressively throughout the course. This will be built upon with practical enquiry which is embedded throughout the course. Practical skills are essential in biology and are gained throughout the course along with analytical and problem-solving skills. Studying biology will also involve discussion, debate, individual work and research.
Students study the WJEC specification which is assessed over the two years. At the end of year one students will sit two papers. Unit one (20%) includes basic biochemistry and cell organisation. Unit two (20%) covers biodiversity and physiology of body systems. Then in the second year, students will sit a further two papers and carry out a practical examination. A2 unit three includes energy, homeostasis and the environment (25%). Unit four covers variation, inheritance and options from immunology and disease, human musculoskeletal anatomy or neurobiology and behaviour (25%). Finally, unit five worth 10% of the qualification allows students to demonstrate their ability to carry out an investigation and to analyse and evaluate experimental data under controlled conditions.
As well as offering qualification-based courses, we offer intervention lessons for pupils who need extra support in science. These lessons aim at raising levels of understanding so the pupil can fully access the subject with confidence and reach their full potential.
Our intervention lessons use a mixture of resources and cover all abilities using a range of visual, auditory and kinaesthetic activities to appeal to all our learners.